Government Announce Eid Holidays Eid UL Adha

Government Announce Eid Holidays, Eid Ul Adha
Government of Pakistan announced 3 days as Public holidays. Eid Ul Adha is an Islamic Festival for Muslims.
Eid notification starts from 16-06-2023 and end at 18-06-2023.
According to the MET office, if the month of Ziada in Pakistan consists of 29 days, then the month of Zilhajj will begin on June 8, and simultaneously, Eid Azha 2024 will be celebrated on June 17.
The Eidul Azha holidays are expected to last from June 17 to 19, but technically, the holidays will begin from June 15, as most government offices remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Eidul Adha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is one of two Eid festivals celebrated by the Muslim faithful to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God. Traditionally marked by the slaughter of animals, whose meat is shared with family members and the poor.
The final decision on the holiday schedule will be made after consultations with the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and other relevant departments.
Eid al-Adha is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.
As with any festival and important occasion, we follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
There are various Sunnah acts of worship you can do on the day of Eid. Discover the Sunnah acts of worship
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